Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Episode: April Showers and other news

Actually we haven't had that many showers yet in April...we could use some. The spurts of warm weather have got us out gardening, BBQing and biking. We had a lovely Easter which included some geocaching courtesy of the Silvas, food, visitors; Gram, Greg, Mary and Ali and the Easter Bunny. We celebrated Andy's birthday and he received some handy GC's so he can become Handy Andy in the backyard. I've been busy with the Horticultural Society events and we are in the process of putting siding on our shed which will give it a new lease on life. Kim spent a week at Queen's university on a course and upon her return Gabby organized a welcome home party. We enjoyed a cake that Gabby baked and we went out to dinner - yes all eight adults (?) and five children. We were extremely well behaved and not rowdy at all ! This weekend we are expecting Darlene, Ali and Mary as Ali takes part in a Volleyball tournament here in town. It will be Mary's birthday on the weekend as well so I see more cake in our future !