Monday, June 11, 2007

Episode: Doggy Day and Birthday

We got an early start on Sunday June 10th to go to Woofstock in Toronto, St. Lawrence Market area. Our trip was smooth and along the way Gram noticed all the cool improvements on the Toronto Waterfront. We parked and walked into the Festival. Bogey visited his peeps, Sandy at CYTR and Brenda his former foster mom at Tiny Paws Rescue where we met Brigitte a doggie that just got rescued after a terrible accident in which she lost a leg but now has a great new forever home in Toronto. We had our breakie, coffee and muffin at a sidewalk table and enjoyed watching all the dogs and owners walking by. There were tons on exhibitors and displays which we saw and Bogey and Dona got personalized bandanas. All the girls got croc charms of their dogs. We came home and celebrated Laura's birthday with the whole family and ended off with an evening walk to the park. Laura got lots of cool presents and a cake was enjoyed by all. The boys enjoyed the new pepper relish Kathy found at Zehrs. Gram left this morning to go back to Stroud to get ready for our visit and the wedding at Canada Day ! What a great weekend.

1 comment:

KimmyKimKim said...

Too bad Laura's barf-day really turned into a barf-day. She is at home sick today. Hope U feel better soon LA!

great blogging mom!