Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Episode: Waiting for Tomato.......

So excited! Can't hardly stand it. The Mart household is abuzz with anticipation, I am placing an order of Samosas with Cam. We're going to get things going! Already dialated 3cm and 70% effaced! This baby's headed downtown! We're getting this kid out one way or another!

Tierney is majorly pumped to be a big sister we have started a baby video journal, so we can look back and see just what happened when we were waiting for the youngest Mart to come!!

Top 5 Things Tierney will do with Tomato

1.Change it's diaper
2.Hug him/her
3.Make funny faces at him/her
4.Teach him/her about the Easter bunny
5.Kiss him/her

Bring on the baby!


KathyP said...

Yes bring on Tomatoe ! The whole town is waiting and the town of Markdale !

Kimberley said...

I can't even stand it.
All day I was looking over at my work phone and saying - Laura - call NOW! Your water just broke! I know it did - call me.
Then I keep thinking you are going to call and say you didn't bother calling and the baby is already here without all of us waiting and drinking Timmys and guessing genders, weights etc.
Hurry UP Tomato! We can't stand it any more!!!