Sunday, April 19, 2009

Episode: Everything's coming up Everett

Well, Here he is ........finally! I had to take many many pictures of him to abolish the old adage that the second child does not get as many pictures taken of him as the first. Oddly enough after this sitting Tierney remarked that "There are no pictures of me when I was a baby ya know"

I had to laugh because there are literally hundreds anyone who knows us knows this to be a truth maybe thousands I would have to check.
And Yes he did pee in the air during this photo shoot. I did not get a shot of it but it would have captured the true Everett.

Tierney had no qualms about kissing her brother when asked to for a picture. However my vantage point was not always the best there were about 50 outtakes for every good kiss shot.

As you can see he is filling out quite nicely pretty soon we should see some nice ham hawks starting to develop.

He naturally looks into the light! Perfect for those
"Reflective Baby" type poses. What do you suppose he thinking about? Perhaps reminiscing about his time in the womb.

We hope you enjoyed our photo montage! Stay tuned for more as I am a snap happy mama!


KathyP said...

Love these !

KimmyKimKim said...

I got in!
Great pics... Great story.
He's a little cute I think!